Security Practitioner
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September 13, 2021 | Attack Blogs
On August 25, 2021, Atlassian released a security advisory for CVE-2021-26084, an OGNL injection vulnerability found within a component of Confluence Server…September 4, 2021 | Attack Blogs
In August, Orange Tsai released details and also spoke at BlackHat and DEFCON detailing his security research into Microsoft Exchange. His latest blog post…March 30, 2021 | Webinar Replays
In the world of network security, compliance is the bare minimum. Compliance is locking your door, but what about your…March 8, 2021 | Disclosures
Zabbix is an enterprise IT network and application monitoring solution. In a routine review of its source code, we discovered…February 24, 2021 | Attack Blogs
Write the file supplied in the --file argument to the location specified in the --path argument. The file will be…February 7, 2021 | Disclosures
LibreNMS is an open source solution for network monitoring based on PHP, MySQL and SNMP. While reviewing its source code,…January 24, 2021 | Disclosures
Mautic is widely used open source software for marketing automation. While researching the application and its source code on Github,…January 5, 2021 | Disclosures
OrangeHRM is software for Human Resource Management (HRM). In a routine audit of the open source version of OrangeHRM, we…