Who Uses NodeZero®?

NodeZero® has been adopted by organizations of all sizes, from small educational institutions to Fortune 100 enterprises. Here’s how teams like yours are using NodeZero:

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ITOps and SecOps

…continuously validate assess and improve security
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Whether you are an ITOps team with limited time to manage security or an under-resourced SecOps team, you can proactively reduce your security risk by using NodeZero to identify and prioritize proven exploitable attack paths in your environments. The dashboard highlights systemic issues so your team can eliminate many weaknesses in a single fix. NodeZero provides you proof of exploitation with a step-by-step attack path, gives details about successful attack methodologies, and speeds remediation with detailed guidance about how to fix each issue.

No false positives. No time wasted chasing one-size-fits all CVEs that may not be exploitable. No hardware to install or maintain or scripts to update. Easily audit your MSSP or test the effectiveness of your SOC tools.

Your team can implement a continuous findfix, and immediately verify loop with no extra costs.

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Security Teams

…respond immediately to n-day crises

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During an n-day crisis, your IT or security teams — even with no pentesting experience —  can quickly and safely initiate targeted autonomous pentests with NodeZero to determine whether the n-day impacts your organization. Horizon3.ai’s advanced Attack Team closely tracks newly announced CVEs and other emerging threats such as supply-chain attacks or new ransomware campaigns. Then the team rapidly implements exploits in NodeZero so you can determine if your organization is at risk. Get immediate visibility to new attack content in the dashboard.

Gain confidence that you can reassure your Board of Directors and C-Suite quickly whether you are impacted the next time a major vulnerability or exploit-in-the-wild hits the headlines. Know that if you are impacted, you’ll have the incisive information about where your risk is found so that you can act immediately to manage the threat exposure.

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…attack at-scale so humans can be scalpels
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If you are a pentesting expert, you can use NodeZero to reduce the tedious preparatory work for your pentests, leaving you more time to apply your human expertise to the tests you perform.

NodeZero does your recon work for you by autonomously enumerating all endpoints and identifying numerous attack paths across whatever environment you are testing with speed and accuracy. 

NodeZero gives you a solid foundation to complete your deeper analysis and finer examination. Speed and scale your efforts without compromising accuracy. After tests are complete, NodeZero reduces time finalizing assessments and validations with reports that you can customize with your branding.

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Large Organizations

…monitor supply-chain risks and subsidiaries
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No matter how sophisticated your security stack is, supply-chain vendors and independent subsidiaries can expose your organization to additional risk. With NodeZero, innovative organizations are expanding their security oversight to key supply-chain partners and subsidiaries by requesting or even mandating security assessments and validations be periodically performed in the effort of reducing risk.

You now have visibility into the exposures and risks you may not have been aware of, and your supporting organizations have the tools they need to assess, eliminate, validate, and report that unacceptable cyber risks have been mitigated before they can impact your bottom line.

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MSSPs and MSPs

…expand their offerings and increase margins

If you are an MSSP or MSP, you know that security skills are in high demand. NodeZero can become a force multiplier for you, expanding or augmenting the experience you have in-house, and helping you reduce your response time when conducting security validations and pentests, thus increasing your margins. Reduce your customers’ risk and improve your SLA time with the autonomous capabilities NodeZero puts at your fingertips.

Service providers can grow sales and improve retention and upsell rates by providing cybersecurity validations to demonstrate the benefit of their services and guide proactive security improvements.

NodeZero can enable new service offerings or augment offerings already in place thus allowing you to measure, improve, and streamline your service efficacy, meet SLAs, and reduce response times by tuning your alerts, logging, monitoring, and processes.