Our Vision:

The Future of Security

Criminal organizations are already using highly automated attack tools to execute ransomware attacks and other campaigns successfully. In Gartner’s latest Security Hype Cycle, Autonomous Pentesting is a rising category, recognizing the potential for applying machine learning & AI to conduct offensive cyber operations.
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The future of cyber warfare will run at machine speed – algorithm vs. algorithm – with humans by exception.

Snehal Antani,
CEO and Co-Founder Horizon3.ai

It’s only a matter of time before criminals leverage autonomous attack techniques.

As an industry, we must prepare for the technological leap that Ransomware-as-a-Service and similar nefarious platforms are about to take.
Time Stopwatch 3 Quarters Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

In less than 3 minutes and 30 seconds

NodeZero® successfully compromised Hack The Box “Active” a moderately difficult cyber range.

Time Stopwatch 3 Quarters Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

In 7 minutes and 19 seconds

NodeZero autonomously found multiple paths to gain Domain Admin privileges within the network of a financial services company, undetected, despite the company’s state-of-the-art security tools.

So What?

Data Attacking Computer Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
In the Near Term:
We’ll see automated attacks continue to decimate security organizations…

… that have deployed the latest tools because we don’t have a tools problem, we have an effectiveness problem. Our many siloed security tools are not designed to work together, and the seams between those tools equate to blind spots that attackers exploit.

Matches Fire Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
In the Mid Term:
Sadly, we believe things will get worse…

… attackers will shift to autonomous attack platforms faster than defenders can improve the effectiveness of their security posture.

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In the Long Term:
Within a decade or so, we believe cyber warfare will be “humans by exception”.

Human defenders simply cannot keep pace with how quickly attack algorithms can compromise the network. This is compounded with the fact that algorithmic attack significantly reduces the barriers to entry for threat actors, which will therefore increase the volume of attacks.

Machine Speed is the Ultimate Disruptor

Algorithm-centric attacks can make 100x more “maneuver decisions per minute” than human-centric defenders.

Humans must sift through logs, cognitively process alerts, and get permission to apply fix-actions. By the time this human-driven triage process has been executed, attack algorithms have already adapted.

In 5 years, an algorithmic attack could execute 100,000x more decisions per minute than human-centric defense, effectively rendering current security products obsolete.

Algorithmic cyber warfare will come down to “maneuver decisions per minute” – how many decisions can an attack algorithm make and how quickly can defensive algorithms anticipate & react to stifle the compromise. Therefore, the next generation of security tools will be designed for humans-out-of-the-loop, enabled by cloud-first IT environments that are inherently ephemeral, observable, segmented, revokable, and defensible, which are prerequisites for autonomous defense

Horizon3.ai’s Story

We are a mix of US Special Operations, US National Security, and cybersecurity industry veterans. Our mission is to “turn the map around” – using the attacker’s perspective to help enterprises prioritize defensive efforts. Our team of nation-state-level, ethical hackers continuously identifies new attack vectors through autonomous pentesting and red team operations, leveraging collective intelligence to improve our products and strengthen our clients’ security. Founded in 2019, Horizon3.ai is headquartered in San Francisco, CA, and 100% made in the USA.

Meet Our Team
Horizon3.ai Team
Gen 1: Manual Pentesting, Gen 2: Marketplaces, Gen 3: Compliance Automation, | AI CHASM - Continuously Optimizing via: - Reinforcement Learning, - Shadowing, - Collective Intelligence |, Gen 4: Exploitable Attack Surface, Horizon3.ai

The “AI” in Horizon3.ai

NodeZero is an autonomous platform capable of executing self-directed actions to achieve an objective. In pentesting, these objectives include becoming Domain Admin, compromising sensitive data, gaining access to critical systems, and so on. Knowledge graph analytics, inference engines, and learning loops play a key role in ensuring the more pentests NodeZero executes, the “smarter” it gets.

The alternative to our approach is attempting to hardcode every possible attack path using automation. There are far too many variations, and the burden of maintaining automated scripts is significant given how frequently an environment changes. This is why automated pentesting has failed to take off, whereas our autonomous approach, delivered via multi-tenant SaaS, serves customers from the Global 100 to your local hospital.

Our Vision

Autonomous pentesting enables organizations to see themselves through the eyes of the attacker. With this attacker’s perspective, enterprises can continuously identify their ineffective security controls and identify critical, exploitable weaknesses that they must immediately fix. However, autonomous pentesting is only part of the equation. Our larger vision is to leverage our expertise, data, and insights to build an autonomous defense designed to be humans by exception. We will deliver continuous attack, paired with continuous defense–executing an integrated learning loop that gets smarter with every interaction, delivered as an Autonomous Security Platform.

The Cyber Terrain Map, the knowledge graph at the heart of Horizon3.ai’s autonomous pentesting platform, is the critical data structure required to build autonomous security. With every pentest executed, these knowledge graphs get smarter – increasing its understanding of how an attacker can chain together harvested credentials, misconfigurations, dangerous product defaults, and exploitable vulnerabilities to compromise a system. Collective intelligence services analyze these insights and further optimize the attack algorithms. Thus, the more autonomous pentests we run, the richer our collective intelligence becomes, which leads to more efficient & effective attack algorithms.

Our Journey in 3 chapters

By mastering the art of attack, we will master the art of defense.

In this new paradigm, autonomous pentesting is continuously attacking using the same techniques as threat actors. Autonomous defense constantly observes the critical waypoints that enable attacks, hardening components that allowed the attacker – both benign pentesting and malicious actors – to succeed.

The more frequent the interaction between offense and defense, the more robust the learning loop between the two sides, and the harder it becomes for real threat actors to compromise systems.

The learning loop between offense and defense accelerates understanding, with offense incorporating new adversary behavior through threat intelligence and forensics, offensive notifying defense of new weaknesses and waypoints, and defense manipulating the defensible characteristics of systems to stifle attack. All this is executing with “humans by exception.”