



Showing 49–51 of 51 results

Be Open to Be Wow’d

Being a #learnitall, Lesson 1: Be Open to Be Wow’d Most of the startup advice out there is pretty clear: get feedback early and often. Customer input is invaluable to delivering iter0, your MVP, feature releases that matter, bug fixes, utility and simplicity. In Customer Success, a lot of the job is review and advise so a customer can hit their...
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Coming Changes in the Security Landscape

I’m sharing this because I believe it is relevant to ongoing decisions in this community. I’m in a senior leader cyber group and got the chance to follow the headliner yesterday on Vulnerability Assessment tools. I lit them up, and had a CEO reach out to me afterwords on LI…here’s the conversation: Hi Monti, Thank you for your thoughts on...
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Purple Teams

Purple teaming is the result of collaboration, communication and sharing of information between a red team and a blue team in an effort to improve the overall security posture of an organization. How organizations comprise these components may vary, but for context, a Red team is the offensive security team. They are trained in the tools, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures...
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How can NodeZero help you?

Let our experts walk you through a demonstration of NodeZero, so you can see how to put it to work for your company.