U.S. Public Sector
View Your Network Through the Eyes of an Attacker
Penetration testing as it exists today isn’t optimized for the challenges faced by cybersecurity professionals in the public sector. This is an arena with massive attack surfaces and complex structures requiring cyber defenses to protect pivotal data. It has been, and will continue to be, a juicy target for attackers.

It’s more than penetration testing – it’s continuous security validation.
With so much at stake and so much to cover, it’s imperative that you continually verify your security posture. NodeZero®, Horizon3.ai’s autonomous pentesting offering, enables you to proactively find and fix internal and external attack vectors before attackers can exploit them.
With NodeZero, you’ll get results in hours or days that can take weeks or months for traditional pentesting. Results are reported by criticality so you know which vulnerabilities are actually going to be exploited so you can focus your resources when they’re needed most. And you can run another test right away to make sure your fix actions actually worked.
Annual Pentesting Isn’t Enough
Pentesting once a year is a common practice, but when the threat landscape changes in minutes, not months, pentest reports can be out of date before the ink is dry. Continually verifying your security posture is the only way to ensure you’re ready for the next attack we haven’t even heard about yet.
A true zero-trust architecture is necessary – but do you know if it’s working? NodeZero will find gaps in security, weak credentials, even shadow IT or other risks that may fly under the radar so you can address them before they become a problem.
State, local, and education (SLED) organizations run lean – their cyber defenses can often be a one-person show, and they’re at the whim of tightening budgets.
NodeZero gives these small teams the ability to act as a 20-year pentester with just three clicks. Target the areas you need to focus on most to keep your data safe, and then re-run the test to make sure your fix actions worked.
We’re witnessing a shift from a compliance-based view of the world to vulnerability-based, forward leaning security posture. Security is only as good as your weakest link. You need to know where the gaps are.
NodeZero acts as your own purple team, identifying misconfigurations, human error, and other risks and then prioritizing those risks so you know where to start addressing them and how.

Plus, NodeZero integrates with Splunk to make your workflow easier.
Learn More →Defense Industrial Base
You don’t have to look that far back in time to see examples of where the supply chain became a target for attackers. It’s one thing to guard your own gate; it’s another to know you can rely on third-party vendors and other partners in the supply chain to ensure the integrity of their systems.
NodeZero can identify gaps in defenses to provide you leverage to push supply chain partners to improve their own defenses and close the gaps along the way to ensure another massive breach doesn’t happen.
How NodeZero Can Help?
NodeZero orchestrates over 100 offensive tools to harvest credentials, exploit vulnerabilities, and exploit default settings and misconfigurations to execute attacks to ensure your defenses are properly deployed.