NodeZero Insights™

Organization-wide visibility into your security posture so you can prioritize better, prove impact, and deliver strategic executive reports.

Streamlined dashboards give you aggregate and trend data from all tests you run with NodeZero®. In rapidly evolving threat landscapes, Insights unlocks the full value of continuous penetration testing for security leaders.

Prioritize Smarter and Make Progress Real

Your environments are changing with every patch you make which means you can’t rely on the narrow, point-in-time view you get from traditional, manual pentesting.

NodeZero autonomous pentesting means you test as often as you need—82% of NodeZero customers test at least monthly. Insights translates that goldmine of data into visualizations you can act—and report—on with ease.

Key Benefits

Analytics Graph Streamline Icon:
Monitor Security Progress

Track critical metrics, such as mean-time-to-remediation (MTTR), to quantify improvements over time.

Monetization Structure Streamline Icon:
Know Where to Invest

See trends in weaknesses and attack paths across environments and use the data to drive prioritization.

Monitor Heart Desktop Streamline Icon:
Drill Into Pentest Series

See risk evolution over time across all infrastructure entry points you prioritize for recurring testing.

Desktop Monitor Warning Streamline Icon:
Wrangle Systemic Issues

From credential reuse to misconfigurations, ensure org-wide adherence to the right security policies.

Presentation Projector Screen Bars Streamline Icon:
Uplevel Executive Reporting

Go beyond static vulnerability lists and deliver offensive, real-world security narratives with one-click exports.

Your Risk Assessment Command Center

NodeZero Insights gives you a complete view of all test data so you can answer the right questions and make better decisions.

Open Weaknesses and Attack Paths Over Time

Filter by severity, type, and more to see where you’re trending in the right direction—and where to take action.

Remediation Summary

Know how many open weaknesses you have across your organization by severity, age, and see current MTTR.

Pentest Series Analysis

Keep a pulse on all recurring pentests and easily drill into any negative trends.

Systemic Issues

Solve infrastructure-wide risks like misconfigurations or weak passwords with better IT policies and security controls.

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