Airiam: Turning Cyber Resilience into a Superpower  |  January 4, 2024  |  Customer Stories

How Airiam Cut Vulnerabilities in Half

Airiam is a pioneering managed resilience provider on a mission to ensure its customers minimize cyber risk and maximize business productivity. Airiam works on the frontlines of cyberattacks to inform their solutions while ensuring customers are hardened against cyberattacks and have the built in resilience to bounce back after an incident. Additionally, they aim to build a best-in-class resilience operations center (ROC), empowering their clients with the tools to face any cyber incident and the confidence to “stand back up from any cyberattack.”
As Art Ocain, Airiam’s CISO & Strategic Alliances and Incident Response Product Management Lead, puts it:

“Resilience has become our story and our superpower.”


Year Founded: 2021
(but formed out of MSPs and MSSPs that are 20-year-old companies)
Geography Served: Anywhere in the US remotely; Airiam also has offices in Central PA; Rockville, MD; Salisbury, MD; Milwaukee, WI
Number of Employees: 140
Airiam’s incident response team has been on the front lines with consistent ransomware incidents in the last 5 years. With over 75,000 hours on high-profile incidents, this makes them one of the most experienced MSPs/MSSPs in the incident response space. Incident response has shaped how Airiam approaches IT managed services and how they design their service offerings with a tilt toward cyber resilience and business continuity.

Facing a Pentesting Skills Shortage

Pentesting is central to assessing a client’s resilience to cyberattacks and was part of Airiam’s core managed service offering. However, the company often found itself in a battle for talent, struggling to retain pentesting skills in-house. Art explains: “We would hire a pentester and they would leave, then we would hire another pentester, and they would leave…often, we would be asked for pentesting services, but we wouldn’t have someone immediately available in our team, so we would have to outsource or recruit.”

Airiam also needed pentesters to test their own environment, but that lack of skilled resources made it hard to maintain a consistent approach.

When it came to client vulnerability management, Art found that most of the available tools were basic and time-consuming. They were simply scanning the client environment, comparing results with a vulnerability list, and flagging the discrepancies. This lacked the detail and nuance needed to convince clients to act on the results quickly and did not empower them to fix “prioritized” issues first.
Art shares:

Airiam: Vulnerability Management Projects

“It became our problem to prioritize the results and then figure out what to do to remediate…we would put a remediation plan together and take it to the client… but the real obstacle was convincing the client that it was actually worth investing to solve the problem.”

Often, vulnerability scanners are not enough to help keep a company resilient against cyber threat actor attempts to target their environment. Organizations need to shift their “scan and patch” mindset and look for security solutions that “Find, Fix, and Verify” remediations/mitigations immediately and continuously.

Missing out on Sales Opportunities

The pentester shortage was having a commercial impact on Airiam,
causing them to turn away potential business or outsource to another provider. Even with a pentester on staff, that person faced a backlog of hundreds of clients and could not keep up with the growing demand for continuous pentesting.

Demand for pentesting continued to grow, with customers seeking to satisfy compliance requirements, meet cyber insurance stipulations, and provide assurance to their clients. With clear evidence of customer demand, Airiam was missing a major opportunity.

“I felt that pentesting wasn’t something that was really in our wheelhouse…clients were asking for it…but we were leaving money on the table…I also didn’t have the bandwidth to build a comprehensive pentesting practice by hiring several pentesters as well as getting the tooling process and reporting in place,” explains Art.

Enter NodeZeroTM

Keeping an eye open for solutions, Art came across an automated pentesting tool which he implemented as a stopgap and help bolster their “pentesting” capabilities. However, he felt that the tool sill wasn’t meeting expectations of continuous pentesting, and limitations were holding them back from selling this service as a formidable ally against cyberattacks. So, when one of Airiam’s board directors mentioned NodeZero from, he booked a demo.

“Thoughtful” pentesting is a game-changer

The first NodeZero demo was game-changing according to Art.

“It looked amazing…it blew everything out of the water in comparison to other products.”

Art was particularly impressed with the work that’s attack team does to ensure the product is always at the cutting edge of the threat environment. He said that “the idea of the attack team keeping everything completely up to date when there’s a new vulnerability [CVE] release while also doing their own POC and building it into the system” is a game-changer. “You’re not going to see other products turning a vulnerability into an exploit in less than a month…that blew me away.”

Art went on to describe why the “thoughtful” nature of NodeZero is another key benefit: “NodeZero undertakes a real attack instead of just a ‘hail Mary’ of throwing everything in the world against the machine; it is very thoughtful.” NodeZero empowers customers to make thoughtful decisions through its Find-Fix-Verify loop and continuous pentesting ability.

Airiam: Prioritization & Fix Actions

Art was also thoroughly impressed with NodeZero’s vulnerability prioritization features, explaining that “sometimes you get a lot of vulnerabilities listed that aren’t actually exploitable in your network…NodeZero re-orders things based on relevancy and how the attack is carried out.” NodeZero’s detailed attacks paths allow customers to walk through how an attack could be carried out through the “Eyes of an Attacker”, while also showing which vulnerabilities led to specific downstream impacts and what to fix to mitigate other issues throughout the environment.

Initially, Art ran NodeZero against Airiam’s own datacenter, which hosts several of their clients, and compared the results to the previously tested automated solution. He found that NodeZero’s results were more specific and relevant to his environment: “NodeZero was a lot more thoughtful, and its fix actions are incredible.”
NodeZero’s clean and concise reporting also proved a hit with Art and his team, as it requires minimal work to make reports client ready.

Airiam and NodeZero: Pentesting as a Route to Client Revenue

Since implementing NodeZero, Airiam has deployed it in various ways to deliver great customer experiences and drive adjacent projects. These include:

Complimentary client scanning and project identification: Airiam undertakes a complimentary NodeZero scan that delivers a comprehensive, prioritized vulnerability report. Airiam’s exceptional professional services team devises a remediation plan, with the NodeZero report providing the evidence to convince customers that investment is needed. In this way, Airiam is developing new revenue streams and stronger customer relationships.

Providing peace of mind for clients: Airiam provides scans that help customers meet external compliance requirements, assure partners, and satisfy internal audit and compliance teams that the business is resilient to attacks.

Bundled into MDR Services: Airiam includes NodeZero in its AirGuard™ Plus flagship managed detection and response service, and it is a core feature of the company’s AirAudit™ pentesting-as-a-service (PTaaS) solution. This solution is for clients who are not already managed by Airiam. It’s comprised of a NodeZero pentest and custom-built remediation plan and often proves to be the catalyst that leads to further business opportunities.

A 50% reduction in outstanding vulnerabilities

Airiam: Client Insights

Since deploying NodeZero in its own managed client environment, Airiam has achieved a 50% reduction in outstanding vulnerabilities across their managed customer base. Some of the lower-level vulnerabilities that remain are due to legacy networks or applications, meaning that clients are unable to easily address them. However, in this case, NodeZero enables Airiam to show the client that it has identified the low-level vulnerabilities and suggest defenses such as segmentation so a known vulnerability cannot be exploited.
Art also highlights how the recursive nature of NodeZero means it’s an excellent counterpart to human pentesters, explaining that “humans will see a vulnerability, focus on how they can exploit it, and how that exploit can be stopped, but they won’t look at other routes to exploiting it…NodeZero will keep trying alternative routes to the target.”

He also sees’s attack team as a real differentiator. He pointed out that “seeing relevant content where they are working on new initiatives is the superpower to me…it’s not just a robot…you have humans writing exploits and that’s where it’s real.”

“Think of NodeZero as a Resiliency Test for your Organization”

NodeZero in and of itself is a gamechanger for any organization looking for a continuous pentesting solution that enables a proactive and preemptive approach while building resilience against cyber threats. Partnered with other Managed IT solutions such as Airiam, NodeZero becomes an unstopped force.
Art recommends a bold approach for companies evaluating NodeZero:

“Start using it…don’t just run it in some demo network…use it in production on critical systems… use it on client systems…the more you use it, the more you love it.” He goes on to advise anyone doing a trial to, “roll it out widely…thinking of it as a resiliency test for your organization…and if you don’t like it, you can get rid of it…but I’m pretty sure you’ll like it!”

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