Internal Pentesting

with NodeZero®

What can an attacker do inside your network?

In an internal pentest, the NodeZero® platform takes the perspective of an attacker or malicious insider who has already gained access to your internal network. Assess these and more:
  • On-premises infrastructure
  • Cloud infrastructure
  • Identity and access management infrastructure
  • Data infrastructure
  • Virtual infrastructure

Autonomous Exploits

NodeZero autonomously discovers and exploits weaknesses in your network just as an attacker would. It moves laterally in your environment by:

  • Compromising credentials through credential attacks
  • Mining exposed data
  • Bypassing security controls
  • Exploiting key vulnerabilities and misconfigurations

Reveal Critical Impacts

NodeZero orchestrates hundreds of offensive security tools and chains weaknesses together to demonstrate the types of impacts attackers seek:

  • Domain compromise
  • Business email compromise
  • Access to sensitive data exposure
  • Ransomware
  • Ability to pivot to the cloud
  • And more!
This real-world attack path shows an organization exposed to ransomware. NodeZero first compromised a domain admin account via a man-in-the-middle attack and credential dumping, and then used that account to access sensitive data.
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Validate and improve your security posture, proactively protect against ransomware, and streamline your compliance initiatives.

See a Demo Now
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High Speed
Kick off your NodeZero pentest in minutes instead of the weeks a manual pentest could take.
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Low Maintenance
With a SaaS architecture, there’s no hardware or software to maintain and no required agents to install.
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Safe by Default
Operate safely with the default settings.

Test from different perspectives

Unlike manual pentests, where less than one percent of a network is typically tested, NodeZero scales to support your largest networks. Your internal pentest options let you configure which IP ranges should be included and excluded in a test. You are empowered to test the whole private IP space (otherwise known as RFC 1918) if you want. You can also run multiple tests at the same time in different network segments for maximum efficiency.

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NodeZero N-Day Testing Segmentation

Conduct large scale and concurrent testing

Unlike manual pentests, where less than one percent of a network is typically tested, NodeZero scales to support your largest networks. Your internal pentest options let you configure which IP ranges should be included and excluded in a test. You are empowered to test the whole private IP space (otherwise known as RFC 1918) if you want. You can also run multiple tests at the same time in different network segments for maximum efficiency.

Add OSINT to your testing

NodeZero can also make use of open-source intelligence (OSINT) to inform certain attacks, just like a real-world attacker might do. If you configure NodeZero with basic seed information such as your company name or domains, NodeZero will gather publicly available information related to your company and incorporate it into the pentest.

Network lines coming down from a Brain representing AI behind a red shield

Internal Pentest Features

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Discovers assets and enumerates your network

During the discovery/network enumeration phase of the test, NodeZero finds assets, which include hosts, devices, cloud services, and running applications. It fingerprints different types of network assets such as routers, domain controllers, VMware vCenter servers, and databases. The platform scans for open TCP (transmission control protocol) and UDP (user datagram protocol) ports and fingerprints the services running on those ports. It also fingerprints operating systems, web servers, and applications.

You can see how the attack modules used in your pentest align to the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

Goes far beyond CVEs

Find and eliminate the weaknesses that attackers can access in your internal network. NodeZero identifies and exploits critical weaknesses that go far beyond the common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) that vulnerability scanners focus on. And unlike other automated tools, it autonomously chains the weaknesses together without a predefined script, behaving just as an attacker would, to move laterally through your network. Many of the attack paths NodeZero executes don’t involve exploiting any CVEs. 

Once the test is complete, the scoring of the impacts and weaknesses reflects what NodeZero was able to accomplish. This is significantly different than the CVE scoring that vulnerability scanners use, where the score is static for every organization regardless of whether that vulnerability is actually exploitable or whether it could be combined with another weakness to disrupt your operations.

← NodeZero also shows you how the attack modules used in your pentest align to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. The mapping includes the specific combination of a MITRE tactic, technique, and optionally a sub-technique.

Weaknesses uncovered in your internal pentest may include

In this real-world example, NodeZero obtained an Amazon Web Services (AWS) access key by exploiting a Log4Shell vulnerability that enabled it to compromise resources in the client’s AWS environment

Pivots into the cloud

During your internal pentest, NodeZero will try to pivot into your cloud environments, identifying attack paths leading to the compromise of cloud assets and data hosted in the cloud. This includes Amazon S3 storage buckets, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Microsoft 365 cloud-based services, and Microsoft Azure virtual machines. These pivots expose weaknesses that could have significant impact on your organization.

In this real-world example, NodeZero obtained an Amazon Web Services (AWS) access key by exploiting a Log4Shell vulnerability that enabled it to compromise resources in the client’s AWS environment
NodeZero UI Attack Path - Injected Credential to RAT
In this real-world example, NodeZero obtained an Amazon Web Services (AWS) access key by exploiting a Log4Shell vulnerability that enabled it to compromise resources in the client’s AWS environment
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Conducts advanced post-exploitation with NodeZero RAT

NodeZero implants and orchestrates remote access tools (RATs) into internal pentests. This feature allows the platform to leverage detected weaknesses and vulnerabilities that could then be used by attackers to achieve remote access. Once the platform has access, it continues to explore available attack paths, such as credential dumping, and assesses the impact on your organization. NodeZero implants these RATs to conduct more extensive post-exploitation on hosts, including common MITRE ATT&CK® techniques such as system information gathering and credential dumping.

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Provides full transparency of the test elements and results

NodeZero provides you with full transparency during your internal pentest so you know precisely what exploits are being run and can tell which hosts or users NodeZero has compromised.

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NodeZero displays the timestamp for actions it’s able to take when testing your network.
After the pentest is complete, NodeZero delivers a clear and prioritized summary of the impact of the test findings on your organization. You have complete visibility into proven attack paths with step-by-step summaries of each path, including the points where credentials were compromised or remote access tools were used midstream. For every weakness identified, you can see the proofs showing that it was exploited by NodeZero, along with downstream impacts that arose from exploiting the weakness, and fix actions for remediating it.
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Delivers meaningful reporting

NodeZero has a rich – and always growing – set of available reports for you to use throughout your workflow. They include:

  • Executive Summary
  • Pentest report 
  • Segmentation report
  • Fix Actions Report

Reports are easily customized and co-branded.

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Don’t just rely on a point-in-time pentest. Continuously assess your security posture, and quickly compare NodeZero results to verify your fixes and identify new weaknesses.

You can easily create a schedule so that your pentests run automatically on a recurring basis once a week (recommended) or whatever time frame you choose. This delivers continuous autonomous pentesting without any user intervention – no need to launch the tests, or even sign in to the portal to initiate them.

NodeZero UI - 1 Click Verify
The NodeZero platform streamlines verification of your remediation efforts.

Don't take our word for it.

Building Cyber Resilience Across a Distributed Network

North Carolina Electric Cooperatives (NCEC) enhances cybersecurity for critical energy infrastructure by adopting NodeZero for continuous penetration testing, real-time vulnerability management, and scalable defenses across 26 cooperatives, ensuring proactive resilience.

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Redefining Cybersecurity: Testing for a Real-Time World

Proactive cybersecurity with Legion Cyberworks: Continuous assessments to identify and fix vulnerabilities in real-time.

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Century-Long Innovation: A Legacy of Outpacing Cyber Threats

Discover how Komori, a century-old printing giant, is leading the charge in cybersecurity innovation by adapting to internet-connected risks and utilizing advanced solutions like NodeZero to safeguard their legacy.

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Future-Proofing Cities: LYT’s Story

As cities expand with smart technologies to enhance infrastructure, robust cybersecurity is crucial. Discover how continuous assessments with NodeZero keep urban operations safe and efficient.

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The Critical Role of Autonomous Penetration Testing in Strengthening Defense in Depth

NodeZero helps JTI Cybersecurity scale by automating penetration testing, finding vulnerabilities, and enhancing client security efficiently and effectively.

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Advancing Emergency Response Security with Autonomous Pentesting

In an increasingly interconnected world, where digital technologies infiltrate every aspect of society, vulnerabilities in these systems can be exploited by malicious actors to disrupt emergency services, compromise sensitive information, or even endanger lives.

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Securing the Move: Cyber Resilience in the Transportation and Supply Chain Industry

Cyber protection is crucial for the transportation industry and the supply chain because it ensures the seamless flow of goods, prevents disruptions, and preserves the integrity of critical data essential for global commerce.

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Airiam: Turning Cyber Resilience into a Superpower

The first NodeZero demo was game-changing according to Airiam. “It looked amazing…it blew everything out of the water in comparison to other products.”…

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